Hour of Code Week

This week we are participating in 
Hour of Code week!
What is Hour of Code?

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. 
 One-hour tutorials are available in over 40 languages. 
No experience needed. 
Ages 4 to 104.

I have registered our school as a participant in the 
Hour of Code event.  
We are listed on the map on their site!

In honor of this huge event you will have the freedom to try some new things this week!

As well as working on your current module, you should also choose at least 1 
of these events to try this week.

Choose something that interests you and have fun!
Minecraft and StarWars are the newest they have added.
A for Effort :)

1. Choose from these fun tutorials and coding games at 

2. I have also signed us up for BitsBox
Go to:
and get a booklet from me.
You can create apps to make robots dance on your screen, 
paint pictures with cool 3D cubes, and 
program a race car to drive around your screen.

Check out the poster on the back wall to see all the "stamps"
you can use while coding apps in BitsBox.


Congratulations, you are half way done! We have made it through Module 4 and are on to Module 5!
I love how some of you are taking your projects to the next level and are challenging yourself!
My favorite quote from a student during their "Share-Out"..."This module was challenging.  Everything didn't go as I had planned, I spent hours of my life trouble-shooting and problem-solving"....LOVE IT! This is learning!  Just because your project didn't go exactly as planned, LEARNING is the goal!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Happy Friday!
Everyone should be very busy today starting their new module, Module #4.
Reminder: today is reflection journal check...please make sure it is up to date!
Check out these cool Stop Motion projects!  I love how creative people are being!






September 25, 2015 Friday Folder Check!

Loved our colorful, creative classroom this week!
If you see Jules, Laura, Audrey, or Mikayla make sure and ask them about their Stop Motion projects....they are very creative and doing a great job! Will be fun to see the final results.
Don't forget...today is folder and reflection journal check day!
Please make sure you have 5 solid reflections from this week and project updates!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Just a reminder...
Today is our "Friday" for the week so I will be doing folder and reflection journal checks today!
Great job of sharing out yesterday!  Check out some of the great projects in the post below!

Share Out Day!

Check out this really cool stop motion project made by Cameron!!

Zach C's Stop Motion..."Stapler Love"

Please click on this link to add your responses for the share out today for module 2.
In order to receive all of your points for today you will need to leave at least one positive comment per person as they are sharing out.  You may also leave something they could improve on or a question.

Be organized and don't type over someone else!


Great projects....

A little computer programming with Venessa on Blockly...

Javascript programming with Ashley...

Stop motion with Nick...

Perfect example for the "Look and See Book" in the Graphic Design module...
What is this?

It's this!...Great job Ciaran...

 Ciaran's "Bug's View"

 Ciaran's "Color Collage"

 Addi's PhotoShop Coloring from Module 1

 Morgan's Business Card

Friday, September 11, 2015

Reminder...Today I will be checking folders and reflection journals as well as posting grades.
Please make sure you have all of your projects in your folders (completed as well as in progress) and have your journal up to date!

Points for today's reflection journal need to include the following:
Please go to your reflection journal NOW and post on it the name of the characters you have seen in today's post (The generic name is fine!) so I know you are reading my posts :)

We will share out Wednesday....be prepared...I don't want to see this face from you on Wednesday:

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Happy Wednesday!
Schedule for the next few weeks is as follows....
Module 2 today, tomorrow, and Friday (4th and 6th hours have long hour tomorrow!).
Last day for Module 2 work will be Monday (Tuesday for 5th hour).
We will SHARE OUT Module 2 Wednesday the 16th! Plan accordingly! :)
Module 3 will start Thursday September 17th.

New Projects Have Started!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

We started module 2 yesterday....
1.  Remember you should have everything from module 1 in a folder.
2.  You should have completed your final reflection for module 1.
3.  You should have started your reflection for module 2.
4.  You should be very busy today with lots to do!
Work hard and reflect in your journal how your day went!

Share Out Day!

Morgan's awesome magazine cover project for Graphic Design!

Dan, Dan the Robot Man

Last day for V-Rex!  Always a sad day when we have to take them apart.

Last day with "Ted".....

Zach's Stop Motion Project

GJ's Color Choice Digital Photography Project

1. Today is share out day for module 1.  Have your projects ready to share...everyone will share!
2. Points are based not only what and how you share but how you actively listen as a audience member as well!
3.  You will complete a final reflection for this module in your journal at the end of today.
4. You will need to create a folder WITHIN your Interactive Media folder for Module 1.  Dump everything EXCEPT your journal in that folder so it is organized to start Module 2 tomorrow.

Module 2 for tomorrow....

Module1:RoboticsMod2:Stop MotionMod3: ScratchMod4:AliceMod5:CrunchzillaMod6:BlocklyMod7:GDMod8:Word Processing

Monday, August 31, 2015

1. Reminder.....tomorrow is the LAST day for Module 1 so today you should be wrapping up.

2. Tomorrow (Tuesday)....Be prepared to connect your laptop to the projector and share with our class what you have created in Module 1.

Things to include in your sharing would be:

  • explain what the module was about 
  • projects you have made...so be prepared to pull up your program you used to show your projects, or projects from your Google Drive folder
  • the good, the bad, the ugly...what worked?  what didn't? 
  • what would you do differently next time?
  • advice!  what do you wish you would've known that can help the people about to rotate into the module?
3.  Remember, you receive passing points for your 1)Reflection journal 2)projects created and 3)share-out.

V-Rex is Alive!

Way to go Grant, Sam & Zach!
With a little problem solving of his instability, he is now walking!
Great teamwork and way to stick with it!