What do I do if I'm done?

New Google Game: https://beinternetawesome.withgoogle.com/en_us/interland

Work on your typing speed!  It will save you tons of time in other classes/college!

Code for fun!

1. Scroll down the page to find many coding games! Thanks Celeste and Miss Martin for the resource!

Codemoji.com  FUN, easier way to learn to code!

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/makecode Make code!

Programming: http://www.programmr.com/

Coding: https://www.sololearn.com/

https://codecombat.com/home  Class Code: BlueGoodNeck

I can get you on a CodeHS course! Get on CodeHS and look at courses and you can let me know which one you would like, they have several like Computer Science, Web Design, Cyber Security, Coding, etc.

Hour of Code:

Presentation for Hour of Code from Tynker



Other Coding Resource Links (Click Below!):  

iPad Apps for Coding:
Daisy the Dinosaur

Move the Turtle ($2.99)
Codea ($9.99)
Cargo Bot
Code Academy
