The Power of Self-Reflection

Self-assessment inspires learning.
It is an important aspect of growing and learning...
not only about one’s academic abilities but also one’s
and can help us answer questions such as:
“What can I improve on and do better at?”
“What did I do really well during this project?”
“What would I do differently next time?”

You should be self reflecting regularly.
The journals are not only to document your assignments,
But also to allow you to reflect everyday.
Therefore for this last module, we will be doing a self-assessment.

Honesty is key in order for self-reflection to be productive.

Journal Reflections

We are mid-way through the semester!
If you are stuck writing the same things over and over in your journal...
I have added a "Reflections" Tab on the home page.
Read for 40 good reflection questions you can answer in your journal.
This can help you get all of the points for reflecting on your learning every day!

Module 4

New modules start today!
You are on Module 4!
Remember to read through your module so you know what to expect and can budget time accordingly.
Also, we have many experts in the room now who can help if you get stuck.

Monday, Sept 19, 2016

Today is the last day of your module.
Please make sure everything you have completed is in your 
JOURNAL so you can get all the points!
Check out our new "A work" wall at the back of the classroom or on the 
"HHS Student Projects" tab of this website!
There has been some impressive work this module! Keep it up!

Journal Checks today!

Happy Friday!
You started your 2nd module this week....
I will be checking your journals today/this weekend so make sure you have all of your information!
You will also have all of next week for your 2nd module.
Have a great weekend!

NEW modules!

Hope you had a relaxing 3 day weekend....
TODAY is the day to start new modules!

We had a GREAT first round of modules!
I was very impressed...keep it up!

You will be rotating to the next do you know which module you are in?
If you were in #1 rotate to #2 App Inventor.
If you were in #2 App rotate to #3 Scratch.
And so on.
#9 Cyber Safety is now our new Robotics team.

USE YOUR SAME JOURNAL....REMEMBER...add to the TOP of your doc every day.

We are lucky now because we should have at least 2-3 experts in every module who just completed!
So....if you are stuck and I am not available you should be able to find help.

Don't forget to journal...and don't forget to have fun creating, building, coding, animating, inventing, problem-solving and learning!

1st Journal points given TODAY!

Happy FRIDAY! 
You made it through your first full week of Interactive Media!
I have been impressed with the work and problem-solving skills I am seeing!

Reminder....I will be checking journals/posting points for your first journal TODAY! 
I want you to receive ALL the points possible (50) so...
Please make sure you are:

  • posting every single day!
  • posting "absent" if you're absent
  • including lots of screenshots/projects
  • including successes AND challenges you are having!
Next week is your last week for this module and then we will be rotating!


Welcome to HHS Interactive Media!
Today's Goals:

  • Get Teams
  • Get Modules
  • New Seats
  • Create Reflection Folders/Document
    • What makes a good reflection?
    • How do I get an A?
  • Review your module 
  • Create logins
  • Start on your module!

1. Create Google Drive Folder and SHARE with me ( and allow me to EDIT.
2. Name your folder:  HourLastFirstIM (No Spaces, Appropriate Capitals)
3. Create a document IN your folder named HourLastFirstIMReflection
4. Every day you will complete a (at least) 4 bulleted item reflection in your folder

  • Use the SAME document every day
  • Place the newest day at the top of the document
  • Use screenshots as you go along so you can place them on your document (control/shift/splitscreen button (top row 6th button from the left), resize as needed!
  • Place your logins on this document as needed.
  • I MUST see something from you EVERY day, otherwise you will lose points.
  • If you are absent, write absent for that day so I know not to dock you.
  • Reflection journal points are worth as many points as the projects.

LAST week instructions is the last week of the year!
You should be wrapping up your final module.
Make sure you have your journal completed for your final module.

THIS WEEK'S POINTS will be journal reflections for the following items:
If you are finished with your module/reflections you may choose from the following things:
1.  Go back to your favorite module and continue working on projects/puzzles in that module.


2.  Check out/complete other tabs on this website...choices:

  • Graphic Design/Typography
  • Augmented Reality
  • App Inventor
  • Intro to Coding with
  • Code Academy
  • Hour of Code
  • "What If I'm Done" Tab
I would recommend, Code Academy, Hour of Code....
these were some of the favorites from last semester!!

Make sure you JOURNAL what you complete today, tomorrow, and Wednesday 
in class so I can give you all the points for this week!

Last Module

Happy May!
You have made it! You are in your last module for this course.
We will wrap up this class in the next couple of weeks so make sure you have
everything in your journal you would need to include to get the best possible grade!

Journal Reflections

This week will be your first reflection journal grade.
Here are a few helpful reminders so you can receive all of the available points!

1. Write in it EVERYDAY.
2. Place your most recent post at the TOP.
3. Place the date/day of week at the top of your post.
4.  A good, solid post will include:
           -a substantial paragraph each day explaining what you accomplished during that class period
           -what went well
           -what didn't go so well

QUESTIONS to answer if you are needing help with what to write...
-what you would do differently if you could do it over again
-what you would change/try again for tomorrow
-if you were the teacher, what comments would you give about your project?
-in what ways did the your work meet the standards for this assignment?
-in what ways did it not meet those standards?
-what was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished project?