LAST week instructions is the last week of the year!
You should be wrapping up your final module.
Make sure you have your journal completed for your final module.

THIS WEEK'S POINTS will be journal reflections for the following items:
If you are finished with your module/reflections you may choose from the following things:
1.  Go back to your favorite module and continue working on projects/puzzles in that module.


2.  Check out/complete other tabs on this website...choices:

  • Graphic Design/Typography
  • Augmented Reality
  • App Inventor
  • Intro to Coding with
  • Code Academy
  • Hour of Code
  • "What If I'm Done" Tab
I would recommend, Code Academy, Hour of Code....
these were some of the favorites from last semester!!

Make sure you JOURNAL what you complete today, tomorrow, and Wednesday 
in class so I can give you all the points for this week!