2nd Modules Due Today!

You should have completed your 2nd module and go ahead and start on your 3rd module!

Check out Hudson's photo collage for his Graphic Design module! He used the PicsArt App!

Kirsten's website on Wix

September 17, 2020

1. Start your 2nd module today!

2. Pull up your 1st module journal/projects and be ready to show me when I call you over. 

Seeing some cool Scratch animations and other projects! 

Thank you Jordan for your cool pic collage! Good photography skills!

Check out Hannah's very creative and in depth animation in Scratch!

Josh and Alaian's Mr. Krabbs

September 8, 2020

1. Check your gmail. Make sure everything is clean, organized into folders, and deleted. Don't forget to be using the following tools to help keep yourself organized and on top of things!

  • Google Drive
  • Gmail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Classroom
  • Google Keep

2. Create your journal if you haven't already done so.  

-Go to your Google Drive

-New Document

-Title it YourclasshourLastnameFirstname

-Share it with staci.hansen@usd460.org

3. Start on your first module! (You get to choose which one you start on!)

  • Bookmark this class website.
  • You should be completing about a module a week. 
  • I will tell you when to go to your next module.
  • If you finish before it is time to rotate click on the "What to do if I'm done", but if you are doing a good job most people probably won't finish early as we do not have as much class time!
  • Don't forget to be placing all of your information and screenshots of your work in your journal!

3. You will have the rest of this week to work on your module and then I will meet with you so you can show me all of your work.