Cyber Safety

Cyber Safety:
In order to receive all of the points for this module you must complete all 9 assignments below. 

You will be watching a series of videos and responding to questions prompted from the videos.

Make sure you watch ALL THE VIDEOS and ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS in your journal.

Be sure to answer ALL of the questions in COMPLETE sentences with well thought out and well written answers using correct spelling, punctuation, etc.  Responses need to be well thought out and full of information.

If you can't find the videos...go to VIDEOS at the top of your page and then scroll down looking for the title of the video.

Assignment #1: Split Decisions:  
  • Watch the video "Split Decisions" at:  
    • If you can't find it click on videos and scroll down towards the bottom.
    • If you cannot find the videos with the link they are also on YouTube if you search for them.
  • In your reflection journal label it as "Cyber Safety Assignment #1" and answer the following questions:
    • 1. Do you think either Lily or Gabriela saw themselves as causing drama? Why or why not?
    • 2. When Lily saw the video Gabriela posted, she thought Gabriela was flirting with her boyfriend Kevin. Let's try to see things from Gabriela's perspective.  Why do you think she posted the video?

Assignment #2: 6 Degrees of Information:

  • Watch the video "6 Degrees of Information"   

  • In your reflection journal label it as "Cyber Safety Assignment #2" and answer the following questions:
    • 1. List the social media sites/apps YOU USE and give a total number used.
    • 2. Give your average number of friends/followers.
    • 3. Give your average time spent online in a day
    • 4. Do you think there is any such thing as being too connected? Explain why or why not.
    • 5. Do you think you ever overshare? share just enough, or share almost nothing online?
    • 6.  Describe your digital footprint.  Are you satisfied with your footprint? Why or why not? What can you do to keep it positive or improve it if it is negative?
Assignment #3: Two Kinds of Stupid:

  • Watch the video "Two Kinds of Stupid" at
  • In your reflection journal label it as "Cyber Safety Assignment #3".
  • Review our district's policies on technology by visiting our school website:
    • Click on the menu at the top
    • Under the Forms and Resources part in the middle click on Acceptable Use Policy
    • On our first day of class Mr. Rhodes talked about how you signed this policy.
    • Answer the following questions in your journal about the policy:
      • 1. What does the policy state? (Summarize)
      • 2. Do you think it is fair?
      • 3. If you could change it, what would your policy include?
      • 4. What else do you think SHOULD be in the policy on using social media in school?
Assignment #4: Amy's Choice:
  • Watch the video "Amy's Choice" at
  • In your reflection journal label it as "Cyber Safety Assignment #4". Answer the following questions:
    • 1. Why did Amy start talking to the man online?
    • 2. Where did Amy first "meet" the man?
    • 3. How long did Amy talk to the man online before meeting him in person?
    • 4. Amy knew how old the man was. Why did she keep talking to him?
    • 5. Had the man ever talked other girls into meeting with him in person?
    • 6. why is Amy still worried?
    • 7. Why does Amy encourage other teens to talk to their parents about what's going on even though they might get into trouble?
    • 8. Why aren't many teens concerned about giving out personal information online?
    • 9. At what point do you think Amy regretted sharing her personal information?
    • 10. If your friend confides in you that he or she is thinking about meeting in person with anyone he or she first "met" online, what would you tell him or her?
Assignment #5: Cyberbullying: Broken Friendship
  • Watch the video "Cyberbullying: Broken Friendship" at
  • In your reflection journal label it as "Cyber Safety Assignment #5". Respond to the letters below.  You should be sympathetic to the writer's problem but you also need to make sure you give the advice that he or she needs.
    • Letter #1: "I've had the same best friend since preschool.  We have never had a major fight or anything to break us apart.  But now my friend has done something that I don't think I can forgive her for. Christine gave my e-mail password to this group of girls at school that I call the "beautiful people".  They are gorgeous and popular, but they are also pretty mean.  They used my e-mail account to send disgusting messages, supposedly from me, to every boy in school.  Now I can't even walk down the hall without people laughing at me. What should I do?"
    • Letter #2: "I need your advice, I have a great best friend who I've known forever.  She's fun to hang out with and we always share everything.  Now I have to make a choice.  There is a group of really popular girls at school.  They have promised to let me into their group, but on one condition.  I have to give them Michele's e-mail password.  I know she would be pretty upset if  did this, but I am desperate to be popular for once in my life.  What could they do with her e-mail password anyhow?  I'll just tell her to change it after I give it to them anyway. What should I do?"
Assignment #6: Cyberbullying: You Can't Take It Back
  • Watch the video "You Can't Take It Back" (If link is broken just look for it) at
  • Label in your journal and respond to the following questions:
    • 1. What are some positive aspects of the Internet?
    • 2. What are some negative aspects of the Internet?
    • 3. What are some of the safety issues with the Internet?
    • 4. What should the boy have done when his friends asked him to rate the website?  Give a legitimate response that might have made his friends reconsider their actions.
    • 5. Think of things you have learned so far in this module on how to be safe on the internet.  How would you communicate this to other people?  Create an internet awareness flyer/poster using any site you like that we could hang around the school to teach people how to be safe online.  Place it in your folder.
  • Examples:
Assignment #7: Survivor Diaries
  • Watch the video "Survivor Diaries" at
  • Label in your journal and respond to the following questions:
    • 1. Based on the experiences highlighted in this video, what do both Ryan and Noah have in common? 
    • 2. What made Ryan more vulnerable and therefore more likely to get involved with someone online?
    • 3. Though Ryan never agreed to meet, how do you think someone was able to find him?
    • 4. What kinds of information should never be shared with people you first meet online?
    • 5. It seems like Noah knew better than to communicate with someone he didn't know online and then meet this person.  Why do you think he did it anyway?
    • 6. What should you do if someone you met online asks to meet you or in any way makes you feel uncomfortable?
Assignment #8: Julie's Journey
  • "Julie was a lonely teenager who didn't have a great home life.  She went online to find friends and met Tom.  He was older than Julie, but he understood her so well.  They would talk for hours everyday and he made Julie very happy.  They shared secrets and came to rely on each other.  They finally met in person and spent three great weeks together."  Answer these initial questions based on this story.
    • 1. Are you happy for Julie?
    • 2. Do you think the story is cute/romantic?
    • 3. Do you feel scared for her?
    • 4. What are your feelings toward Tom?
  • You have just heard a fake version of a true story, and now you are going to hear the real story from the real Julie.  
  • Watch the video "Julie's Journey" at
  • Label and answer the following questions:
    • 1. How different were your reactions to the story and the video?
    • 2. How did your first impression of Tom change after watching the video?
  • Grooming is the process through which a predator offers you gifts, affection, and attention in order to play on your vulnerabilities and entice you into a relationship.
  • Research tips for teens on how to be safe from "grooming". Create a visually appealing fact sheet for teen safety.
Assignment #9: Article Review
  • YOU MAY CHOOSE 1 ARTICLE from the list below to summarize (or if you find one you would like to use just approve it with me first).
  • Below is a help guide for your writing of what should be included in your article summaries in order to receive all of the points. (Minimum 4 paragraphs of 3-4 sentences each).
In order to help with the article review assignment, listed below is a guide to use in structuring your document.  

1st Paragraph
In this paragraph you should state which article you are summarizing and the author of the article.  Give a brief introduction of what the article is about.

2nd and 3rd 
These paragraphs must address the main ideas of the article.  Read the article and highlight the ideas, which “stick out” as important.  Narrow down these ideas into two or three main ideas.  

Summary Paragraph
In this paragraph you should summarize the main point of the article.  Then, give your opinion as to what you feel you learned from this article.  

If you finish here is a fun, new game from Google on Internet Safety: