Hope you had a relaxing 3 day weekend....
TODAY is the day to start new modules!
We had a GREAT first round of modules!
I was very impressed...keep it up!
You will be rotating to the next module...how do you know which module you are in?
If you were in #1 Robotics...you rotate to #2 App Inventor.
If you were in #2 App Inventor....you rotate to #3 Scratch.
And so on.
#9 Cyber Safety is now our new Robotics team.
USE YOUR SAME JOURNAL....REMEMBER...add to the TOP of your doc every day.
We are lucky now because we should have at least 2-3 experts in every module who just completed!
So....if you are stuck and I am not available you should be able to find help.
Don't forget to journal...and don't forget to have fun creating, building, coding, animating, inventing, problem-solving and learning!