Hour of Code Week

This week we are participating in 
Hour of Code week!
What is Hour of Code?

The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. 
 One-hour tutorials are available in over 40 languages. 
No experience needed. 
Ages 4 to 104.

I have registered our school as a participant in the 
Hour of Code event.  
We are listed on the map on their site!

In honor of this huge event you will have the freedom to try some new things this week!

As well as working on your current module, you should also choose at least 1 
of these events to try this week.

Choose something that interests you and have fun!
Minecraft and StarWars are the newest they have added.
A for Effort :)

1. Choose from these fun tutorials and coding games at 

2. I have also signed us up for BitsBox
Go to:
and get a booklet from me.
You can create apps to make robots dance on your screen, 
paint pictures with cool 3D cubes, and 
program a race car to drive around your screen.

Check out the poster on the back wall to see all the "stamps"
you can use while coding apps in BitsBox.