This week will be your first reflection journal grade.
Here are a few helpful reminders so you can receive all of the available points!
1. Write in it EVERYDAY.
2. Place your most recent post at the TOP.
3. Place the date/day of week at the top of your post.
4. A good, solid post will include:
-a substantial paragraph each day explaining what you accomplished during that class period
-what went well
-what didn't go so well
QUESTIONS to answer if you are needing help with what to write...
-what you would do differently if you could do it over again
-what you would change/try again for tomorrow
-if you were the teacher, what comments would you give about your project?
-in what ways did the your work meet the standards for this assignment?
-in what ways did it not meet those standards?
-what was especially satisfying to you about either the process or the finished project?