Module 6 due TODAY (Hour 6) and TOMORROW (Hours 3,7)


There are VERY specific directions for each module on this website. PLEASE READ THEM as you are working.

I am grading today and tomorrow as you have class and have seen several missing assignments already. This goes in your gradebook as a MISSING ASSIGNMENT and a zero until completed.

Remember for the following modules there are SPECIFIC assignments to complete and you should COMPLETE ALL OF THEM in order to receive full credit for the modules:

Cyber Safety

Social Media

Word Processing

Website Evaluation

App Inventor

Graphic Design

The following modules are complete directly within a program so it will be very important you are taking screenshots of your progress and placing in your journal. You should be doing this anyway but it will be VERY IMPORTANT since I am gone and grading them from home.  








Email me with any questions!

Ms. H

6th Modules Due Wednesday/Thursday!

Hello everyone, hope you enjoyed your snow day! 

PLEASE read important info below!

  1. Your 6th module will still be due Wednesday/Thursday.
  2. You may have to work some at home since we missed a day if you feel behind.
  3. PLEASE Be extra diligent this time of putting EVERYTHING in your journal as there is a possibility I may still be gone and grade them solely based off of your journal if I can not meet with you in person!
  4. LABEL everything clearly so I can find your 6th module easily.  Title it 6th Module so I can easily find it. 
  5. Work hard, EMAIL ME if you have any questions and have a great day!