Monday, Sept 19, 2016

Today is the last day of your module.
Please make sure everything you have completed is in your 
JOURNAL so you can get all the points!
Check out our new "A work" wall at the back of the classroom or on the 
"HHS Student Projects" tab of this website!
There has been some impressive work this module! Keep it up!

Journal Checks today!

Happy Friday!
You started your 2nd module this week....
I will be checking your journals today/this weekend so make sure you have all of your information!
You will also have all of next week for your 2nd module.
Have a great weekend!

NEW modules!

Hope you had a relaxing 3 day weekend....
TODAY is the day to start new modules!

We had a GREAT first round of modules!
I was very impressed...keep it up!

You will be rotating to the next do you know which module you are in?
If you were in #1 rotate to #2 App Inventor.
If you were in #2 App rotate to #3 Scratch.
And so on.
#9 Cyber Safety is now our new Robotics team.

USE YOUR SAME JOURNAL....REMEMBER...add to the TOP of your doc every day.

We are lucky now because we should have at least 2-3 experts in every module who just completed!
So....if you are stuck and I am not available you should be able to find help.

Don't forget to journal...and don't forget to have fun creating, building, coding, animating, inventing, problem-solving and learning!